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Meet and Greets...

Meet and greets are a great way for both parties involved to meet in a relaxed manner, get to know eachother and answer any questions they may have. It's also the perfect opportunity for me and your little ones to get aquainted (my favourite part ;)), allow them to adjust to me being around, and if they're a little on the shy side, I'll give them all the space they need to feel comfortable.


I will also bring my credentials along with my DBS papers and a pet profile form for you, so I can have all the important information I need for when you're away; such as feeding routines, knowlege of a special diet or any medication they are on, vets information etc., to ensure peace of mind and enable me to take the best care of your little fur/scaley/feathered babies. 


The meet and greet is of no extra charge, and there is absolutley no obligation to book post meet if you would like to see other sitters before making a descision.


*If you do decide you would like me to pet sit for you, you will recieve two signed copies of my terms and conditions (not so fun but nessessary part) for you to read and sign before the booking starts.

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